How Do I Know You Won’t Replace my Diamonds with Fake Ones?
We are not asked very often, but it does come up perhaps more than you might think. A question - usually on social media - from a concerned person that we might be tempted to switch their genuine diamonds for fake diamonds. Or swap their beautiful diamonds for lower-quality diamonds.
It can be frustrating to be asked. As an honest, hard-working team we take our responsibility to our clients seriously. But, we also understand that there are scare stories out there, along with disreputable individuals and businesses (in all walks of life) and so we thought we’d address the concern directly.
How Do I Know You Won’t Swap My Diamonds For Fake / Different Diamonds?
The short answer is, you don’t.
However, once we have created your Legacy ring you can take it to an independent jewellery valuer, who will be able to assess your diamonds against any previous valuation you have and confirm they are the same.
You might also have diamond certificates that an independent valuer will be able to cross-check against the diamonds in your Legacy piece.
Ultimately though, there has to be an element of trust on both sides. We have built an excellent reputation on reliability, honesty and integrity. We have no interest in switching diamonds. Your Legacy piece is yours because it contains your unique diamonds and gemstones. We have no interest in switching your diamonds or gemstones for someone else’s - where is the Legacy in that?
For anyone seriously worried, then please read our 5* reviews (available to read on Facebook and/or Google) or contact us and we can put you in touch with a number of clients who we have worked with and you can ask them about their personal Legacy experience.
Ultimately, we want all our clients to enjoy the experience. We work closely as a team to ensure each client’s Legacy journey is memorable and exciting. If the idea fills you with concern and anxiety, or you’re worried we’re not right for you, then we probably aren’t.
If you are excited and keen to explore your Legacy ideas, then we’d love to help. Click the button below and complete the short form, or give us a call.
Not one of our clients has ever regretted their Legacy decision. We’re sure you won’t either!